When a guest check
out from the hotel unfortunately if he had left something in the hotel rooms
the items has been deposited into lost and found section in housekeeping
1. After receiving of lost
and found articles from the guest rooms, the desk control supervisor files all
the details in lost and found register.
2. The control desk
supervisor should prepare the lost and found form in triplicate, where he
should write the details of the articles, like date time location of the
article found description of the article finders name, receivers name signature
and room no.
3. The article and the
original copy of the form is stored in plastic bag and kept in lost and found
4. Duplicate copy is send to
the front office to obtain the data of the guest.
5. Triplicate copy is
retained in lost and found book
6. The Executive-
House-keeper obtains the forwarding address of the guest from the front office
who have the information in the registration card. If the guest name is not
known the housekeeping department has to wait for the guest claim.
7. If any inquiry about the
article the control desk supervisor cross check with the register
8. If desk control
supervisor satisfy with the guest answer the lost articles has been issued to
the concerned guest , and obtain the signature of the person collecting the
9. If the articles has to be
mailed to the forwarding address the articles should be send under the register
post with the charges made known to the guest and claims the amount on cash on
10. If the guest does not
claims the articles in spite of reminders the article is placed for a specific
period of time as prescribed by the management, after that period the article
is gifted to the finder.
11. In such situation the
housekeeping will issue gate pass to the employee for the security, and take
the article out of the hotel.