Saturday 7 October 2017

Cleaning the Check-In Room

The Check in rooms are cleaned when the guest is about to occupy the room. A checklist of room readiness is shared between the guest room supervisor and the guest room attendants. The supervisor inspects the readiness of the room for occupancy.

The guest room attendant performs the following cleanings −

·    Checking power switches, air conditioner, TV, and other electronic appliances for healthy condition.
·        Making bed with the fresh linen, pillow cases, and bedside mat.

·       Cleaning ashtrays and dustbins, replacing if required; and putting fresh paper stripes.
·        Checking stationery and vanity supplies. Replacing/refilling if required.
·        Cleaning the bathroom: floor, walls, toilet, shower area, and tub.
·        Checking bathroom supplies. Replacing the used supplies with the new ones.
·        Checking the room curtains and drapes for stains, replacing if needed, and closing.

·        Discarding the used supplies in the guest room.
·        Spraying the room freshener.


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  34. Such a refreshing change! The check-in room looks impeccable now. It makes the start of our trips even more enjoyable. Kudos to the cleaning team for their hard work! Lara's Maid

  35. What a refreshing read! Cleaning the check-in room isn't just about tidying up; it's about creating a welcoming space for guests to start their journey. Great job! Platinum Star Cleaning

  36. Cleaning the check-in room is crucial for a welcoming first impression. A tidy space sets the tone for a smooth and enjoyable guest experience. Great job! Lara's Maid

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  38. Great insights on maintaining a spotless check-in room! Your tips on organization and hygiene are practical and easy to follow. This ensures a welcoming first impression for guests. Thanks for sharing these valuable tips for a cleaner, more inviting space! Platinum Star Cleaning Services


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  40. Cleaning the check-in room is crucial for a welcoming first impression. A tidy space ensures guests feel valued and sets the tone for a delightful stay! Platinum Star Cleaning Services

  41. Dr. Shona Nag is a respected oncology surgeon in Mumbai with over 30 years of surgical experience. She practices at Lotus Health Clinic, where she excels in performing intricate oncologic surgeries, including robotic-assisted and minimally invasive procedures. Dr. Nag integrates cutting-edge technology with a patient-centric approach, focusing on personalized treatment plans tailored to individual needs. Her dedication to continuous learning ensures she stays current with the latest advancements in oncology. Patients consistently commend her clear communication, compassionate care, and unwavering support, making Dr. Nag a trusted expert in oncology surgery in Mumbai.
